5 Testing
Levels of Testing
- Unit testing: One component at a time
- A component could be a method, class, or package
- If test fails, defect localized to small region
- Done early in software lifecycle, ideally when/before component is developed, and whenever it changes
- Integration/system testing: The whole system together
- Ensures components work together correctly
- Possible even if system not complete, as long as there’s some end-to-end slice of its functionality
- Other testing terms
- “Acceptance test” — test system against user requirements
- “Regression test” — make sure new version of software behaves identically to old version
- A test case in JUnit is just a class
- Test methods are annotated with @Test
- Ideally, each test case should check one thing
- JUnit tests are completely automated
- Drawback: adds cost
- Major benefits
- Tests can be run often
- Code maintainance and evolution becomes much safer
Regression Testing
Key idea: when you find a bug
- Always tunthe test when code changes
- Write a test that exhibits the bug
Developing Test Cases
Black box testing
- Pros
- This is what we actually what the program to do
- Process not influenced by tested component
- Robust with respect to implementation changes
- Allows testers to be independent
- Cons
- Specs are notoriously complete; specs do not necessarily tell you every place the code could go wrong.
White box testing
- Pros
- This is the code we are actually running!
- Performance optimizations
- Cons
- If our code is completely missing come ket property that is in the spec, we might not even know to test it
- Tests might be overly specific to this particular implementation
- Actually used glass bos testing earlier.
Coverage Criteria
High coverage means few mistakes remain in program.
Old-style software design process
Waterfall Model
Good properties
- Provides structure to the software engineering process
- Lots of emphasis of careful thought and design early on
Bad Properties
- Requirements often not known in advance
- Designs often need to be changed
- Strict adherence to waterfall leads to inappropriate designes
New approach to software design
- Come up with a resonable first design
- But then be willing to change and evolve design over time
- Refactoring enables safe design changes
- Assumption: we have a comprehensive, automatically runnable test suite
- Then we can divide code changes into two sorts
- Bug fixes or feature addtions that modify functionality
- Refactoring
- Change code design, but do not change behavior
- implies can rerun all exists tests to ensure change works
Replace Number with Constant
- New code is more readable
- Can avoid typos of we reuse magic number several times
- Might want ro add more digits
Other Refactorings
Move method from one class to another
Move method from a subclass to a superclass or the reverse
Extract code sequence into its own method
Replace conditional branching with dunamic dispatch
Group together a long parameter list into an object containing those values
Ideal time to refactor: When you want to make a change and the current design impedes the change
Be cautious of refactoring buggy code
Be cautious if you keep refactoring the same code over and over
Refactorings tend to be small changes; so they can’t fix every problem
6 Architecture
MVC Arch
Pros and Cons
- Seperation between data and interface is key
- Views can be replaced, changed, customized, expanded
- As db is read and written, changes reflected in all views
- Scalable deployment easier, e.g., multiple controller/view instances communicate with one db'
- Several potential drawbacks
- Many kinds of changes to model require changing view and controller
- Views and controllers are closely coupled.
- Added complexity
Pipe and Filter
Components are filters, connections are the pipes.
- Overall behavior is a composition of filter behaviors
- Potentially good reuse by cerating different compositions of filters
- Can test each filter in isolation
- Filters can be replaced individually
- Not good for interactive use
- Pipes are narrow. Hard to pass complex data
- Overhead for parsing/unparsing data when read from/sent to a pipe
Layered Arch
- Organized as a hierarchy
- Good fit for system with increasing levels of abstraction
- Changing one layer affects at most two others
- Can interchange implementations of same layer interface.
- May not be able to identify clean layers
- Might need to jump layers for performance or functionality
Client-Server Arch
- Server is central point of failure
- Any client-to-client communication must go through server
Peer-to-Peer Arch
- Trust between nodes
- More equal upload/download volume compared to client server
- Location of data on network not centralized
7 Concurrency
- Harder to think about
- Concurrency adds overhead
Basic Threads in Java
- Subclass Thread and implement run()
- Anonymous inner class
- Implement Runnable
- within threads, ordering applier
- across threads, only ordered when
- One threads starts another
- One threads waits for another to finish
Reentrant Lock
ReentrantLock allows threads to enter into the lock on a resource more than once
Dead Lock
synchronized(obj) {body}
Obtain lock associated with obj
While loop + signal all = carefully use of signal
Message Passing
- Pros
- More natural for many supercomputer architectures and distributed systems
- No possibilitty of data races
- Cons
- Atomicity still problematic
- Inefficient to exchange large amount of data
8 Debugging
Time Travel Debuggers
Debugging as Experimentation
Simplifying Tests
Delta Debugging
If part of a test is a really big input, simplify it using a binary search-like process called delta debugging
- Cut input in half, testing each of the halves
- If one half has the same bug, throw away the other half and repeat
- If neither half has the bug, increase granularity by removing quarters instead of halves, and repeat
Split the input
Increase Granularity
9 Security
Goal: prevent bad things from happening
- No improper modification of data
- E.g., account balance updated only by authorized transactions, only you can change your password.
- Integrity of security mechanism is crucial
- Enforcement: access control, digital signitures
- Protect information from improper release
- Limit knowledge of data or actions(secrecy)
- Enforement: access control, encryption
- Hard to enfore after the fact
- System muct respond to requests
- I.e., do not ensure confidentiality and integrity by unplugging your computer!